
The history...

In 2016, Wave Entertainment established itself as the parent company of Aura Experience. Our management team is comprised of 11 talented individuals, each bringing a unique set of skills and expertise to the table. Collectively, we possess over 20 years of experience in advertising and promotion, festival logistics, management, and VIP services. As a premium band, we are renowned for attracting revelers from all corners of the globe, including the USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Germany, Barbados, and the wider Caribbean. Our reputation as the “Celebrity band” locally is due in part to our successful hosting of international icons on the road, such as Machel Montano, Sir Lewis Hamilton, and our very own, The Right Excellent, Rihanna. While we are grateful for this label and the trust bestowed upon us by celebrities to deliver an unforgettable Kadooment day experience, we remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering a total experience for all of our revelers.

The team...

Jarrod Elias Director and Chief Financial Officer @elias_jarrod
Rorrey Fenty Director @ gallest
Rondell Jones General Manager @armani_rondell
Ashlee Haynes Marketing and Production Manager  @ashlee.zhanex
Dee-Anne Dottin Public Relations Manager  @deeeanneee
Tiara Broomes Customer Service Management @tiara.gabriella
Kenley Payne Technology Manager @bajankenrom
Joseph Laflouf Road Manager
Aundrea Wharton Manager @mrwine12_83 
Rommel Coppin Bar Manager @rommel_555
Gabrielle Sealy-Jones Talent Manager @gabrielleashleyx
Simonne CoppinBand House Manager @simsim_salabim


Big thanks to our sponsors.

About | Aura Experience